Project Name: SpaceX Ornithos

Duration of Project: 14 weeks

Description: Ornithos is a drone designed to assist farmers with pollination in indoor farms. It uses an electrostatic probe to collect pollen from one plant and transfer it to another, ensuring healthy crop growth. With its sensors and precise operation, Ornithos helps farmers save time and effort while increasing productivity in environments where natural pollinators are not available.

Disclaimer: All work presented in this project is original and created by the author as part of an academic term at ArtCenter College of Design. It is student work and has no affiliation with any external organizations or entities.

Process Overview: Observation & Research - Ideation & Direction - Modelling Development - Final Product


Inefficiency in existing pollination methods

Farmers resort to manual pollination methods because introducing pollinator insects and birds into an indoor space is expensive and challenging. This is a time consuming and labor intensive process.

Analysing how bees conduct pollination

Bees carry positive electrostatic charge on them, which attracts the negatively charged pollen grains onto their body when they land on flowers. And they carry that pollen along onto other flowers.

How could we artificially simulate this process?

ideation & direction




modelling development

Application: SolidWorks 2024

final product


customizable setup

The modular propeller parts could be arranged in specific orientations depending on the application - Agile or Endurance.

pollination probe

The conductive probe in the front simulates the way bees pollination using alternating charges for extraction and implantation of pollen grains in flowers.

designed for LONGEVITy

Each part can be easily removed and replaced to prolong the product's life and enable quick and easy maintenance for the user.


The drone conceptualises the use of a recycled plastic material that gives an aesthetic appeal and a strong covering.



Adaptix Gamepad